Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Heart Actions Stroke - 1240 Words

Heart Actions: Stroke The cardiovascular system is mainly to pump blood around the body; it supplies fresh oxygenated blood from the lungs to organs around the body and returns it back again. Arteries supply fresh blood and veins return old blood. By one artery or blood vessel being blocked or damaged the flow of blood to the brain will suddenly stop and result of a stroke. Many consequences will come with a stroke but occupational therapy practitioners make stroke patients lives easier to live with purposeful and innovated interventions. Generally speaking, the force required to circulate blood is given by an engine which is housed almost in the middle of the chest: the heart, which is a pump that operates without stopping for†¦show more content†¦Many theories have been tested in animal models and obeservations to actual patients that have lead to different approaches. Speaking about approches the Neurophysiological Approache is a very common approach used by occupational therpists practicioners in cases of stroke. The Neurophysiological Approach is use to treat motor control deficits after a stroke it is used as a way of traing to return to a normal muscle tone level, and this can help to achieve ADL’s and IADL’s. It is completed through inhibition and/or facilitation of muscle activity by the use of several treatment techniques, electrical and sensory modalities. This develops the capability to use extremities during functional activities. (Krakauer JW, 2006) Moreover; another very beneficial approach for stroke patients receiving occupational therapy is the cognitive retrainig after the stroke. â€Å"Cognitive and/or perceptual deficits that prohibit them from safely taking meds, driving, and completing other higher-order ADLs. Cognitive and perceptual sequelae after stroke may include impairments in memory, attention, initiation, problemsolving, reasoning.† (Ma H Trombly, 2002). Most likely stroke patients tend to haveShow MoreRelatedHealth Policy Of Heart Disease And Stroke806 Words   |  4 PagesHealth Policy of Heart Disease and Stroke Ann B. Hamric et al ( 2014) described policy as the â€Å"authoritative decisions pertaining to health or health care, made in the legislative, executive, or judicial branches of government, that are intended to direct or influence the actions, behavior or decisions of citizens† (p.580). Health care policy should be able to increase access to health care, improve quality of care, and most important shows transparence on cost effectiveness (2014). 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